ChatSystem configuration
Publish config filepublish the config file if not published
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Binkode\ChatSystem\ChatSystemServiceProvider" --tag='config'
return [ /* * ChatSystem Models */ "models" => [ /* * The model you want to use as a User model needs to implement the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Contracts\IChatEventMaker` contract. */ "user" => "App\\Models\\User", /* * The model you want to use as a Conversation model needs to implement the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Contracts\IConversation` contract. */ "conversation" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\Conversation::class, /* * The model you want to use as a ConversationUser model needs to implement the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Contracts\IConversationUser` contract or extends the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\ConversationUser` */ "conversation_user" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\ConversationUser::class, /* * The model you want to use as a Message model needs to implement the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Contracts\IMessage` contract or extends the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\Message` */ "message" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\Message::class, /* * The model you want to use as a ChatEvent model needs to implement the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Contracts\IChatEvent` contract or extends the * `Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\ChatEvent` */ "chat_event" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Models\ChatEvent::class, ],
/* * ChatSystem Routes * Change if you want to add middleware or prefix to * chatSystem routes. */ "route" => [ "middlewares" => ['api'], "prefix" => 'api' ],
/* * Events Queues * Change if you want to rename the broadcast queue */ "queues" => [ "events" => [ "message" => [ "created" => "chat", "events" => "chat-event", ], ], "jobs" => [ "chat" => [ "make-event" => "chat-event", ], ], ],
/* * Model Observers * The class you want to use for model Observer */ "observers" => [ "models" => [ "chat_event" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Observers\ChatEventObserver::class, "conversation" => Binkode\ChatSystem\Observers\ConversationObserver::class, ] ]];